Toll of the Hounds – Steven Erikson

Embark on a haunting and introspective journey through a world scarred by war, where the toll of past deeds echoes in the hearts of both mortals and gods.

The once-mighty city of Darujhistan, now a shadow of its former self, becomes the focal point for a convergence of destinies. As characters old and new navigate the labyrinthine streets and the haunted memories that cling to the city, the boundaries between the living and the dead blur, and the consequences of past actions come to the forefront.

Erikson’s narrative prowess takes center stage as he delves into the inner worlds of characters, exploring themes of regret, redemption, and the inexorable march of time. The tapestry of the Malazan world expands further, revealing hidden connections and mysteries that have been woven throughout the series.

Against the backdrop of this city haunted by history, gods and ascendants grapple with their own dilemmas, adding layers of complexity to an already rich and intricate narrative. As alliances are tested and betrayals unfold, readers will find themselves drawn into a story that challenges their perceptions of fantasy storytelling.

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Steven Erikson

Steven Erikson

Steven Erikson, born on October 7, 1959, is a Canadian author celebrated for his profound contributions to the fantasy genre. Best known for his monumental Malazan Book of the Fallen series, Erikson is hailed for his intricate world-building, complex characters, and a narrative style that weaves together military strategy, philosophy, and high fantasy. With a background in archaeology and anthropology, Erikson brings a unique depth to his storytelling, creating immersive and expansive fictional worlds that have garnered widespread acclaim among fantasy enthusiasts worldwide.